Thursday, July 31, 2008


I guess my whole "blog everyday" routine has gone out the door. oh well, I'm starting to like me NEW routine. Makes more sense to have you guys read stuff worth your time. Other then boring you guys half to death, even though this might, capshh! Well anyways, for all that don't know, my cousin phil up there, got a new dog as well. A MOFAKIN' TEACUP CHIHUAHUA! paid friggen $350 for it, hella pshyco if you ask me. He slept over, and we watch the movie, The Number 23. It was ight, NOT AS GOOD AS YOU SAID IT WAS CONNOR, pshhhh. ANYWAYS, back to Elmo, OMG AT THIS MOMENT I AM TYPING THIS EWWW CUTE ASS DOG JUST POOPED AND PEED ALL OVER MY MOTHERFUCKING BED AND FLOOR! I HAVE TO CLEAN ALLLA THIS,GREAT-.-

well we made a video after connor left.. x)

btw connor stopped by for a visit, how nice (:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How gay):

So all last night, and this morning, both of my siblings left me-.- spent the night over at my cousins while i had practice messed up. While my mommmy went to musik,musick,music, or wtvr school to help choose the new principal for the Newark Jr. High School at 7 am. So basically I'm hella lonely with nothing to do right now=/ And yeh I'm sleepy so when i wake up I sign onto aim, and connor, being the hoe he is, tells me to get on the computer while I'm layying in bed all comfy and shizzz. I sign on, on my computer and he sends me a link to a 1 minute video-.- Couldn't wait til I was actually up huh?

OK!I couldn't blog last night, had practice that went til 9, meaning my internet was off already.Well, yesterday I started my day of with connor, yayy! At like 8:45 am I think. So early, my gollly. Hella mean to me yesterday, you hoe! =D And that is why I slap your face all the time, you see? haha just keeding. Had a long day with him, he put on my clothes and kept trying on my shoes "IT'S LIKE A SHOE STORE IN HERE!", he played video games capshh, we walked to the park, and we WERE supposed to go shoot some baskets. BUT we couldn't, mofakin' gangstas nowadays chillin' behind the wall over there by the baskets, so we just ended up walking back to my house. This was the fun part(: When we got home we spent like over an hour taking pictures bwahahha. kept changing and shit. YOU WORE ALL MY FAVORITE JACKETS! surprisingly they looked ok on you tho connor HAHA, my adidas one the best thooo. Sadly my day ended with him, around 4ish?

Later, had practice and what not. ended my day with a surprising secret about my life story. THE END


Monday, July 28, 2008

Life's getting good=D

Well today was a very good day. Maybe one of the best days I've had so far of the summer. Since I do count this as the beginning of MY summer. Pretty wack huh? Well anyways, Francesca, Dj, and Michael came over. We had a mini baking party, that Connor and Melvin could not attend, BOO. It was still fun tho, I should have these more often, since my mommy said she prefers I do have people come over then go out and spend precious mooolah(: Poor Dj got the crap beat out of him by my little brother, but I think he survived. Took hella pictures in a tiny ass session HAHA. Fucking camera whores-.- lmfao. Now I need a day to kikc it with all my main girlies, I miss them like fuck! and also a day for all my guys.
Anyways back to the baking party, me and Dj were actually the only ones who baked-.- besides Francesca placing the cupcakey cup holder thangy mabobers in the cupcake thing. We also made cone cakes =D If you don't know what those are then too bad! sucka. Spent some time in my room and made a video WOOOO!

YESSIR, It's hella loud tho-.- PLUS: Dj chose the song =D HAHAHA scrolling through al the songs and out of all the ones that are there, HANNAH MONTANA! FUCK YES!

ANYWHOO! Ya'll left my room a total mess, but Francesca helped me clean it up(: OH! speaking of Francesca LOL! those things on oh my shit. got to that website nd that explains it all hahaha. I think I'm gonna nap good tonight, I'm hella tired. too much laughing for one day, Dj hella made me fall off my chair sheesh-.-

alright I'm out, kbye!(:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So here's the thing..

My sister got bored one day, and actually timed my internet. Since, it goes off every night for some reason. She found out it went off around 8:40 or so. So there you go. I won't be on the PC after that time. Comes back on in the morning, i think maybe around 6am? idk I haven't wasted my life trying to figure that one out. Well there's the most important update I've got for you. Besides my grandma officially making every friday night, starting at 5pm, working at jade palace, wooo! unless, of course, I have plans =D
Today, I sat in front of my computer thinking about Lil'Mama for some reason, HAHA, and about her LUSCIOUS LIP GLOSS! a.k.a liquid lipstick. Soo thinking about that, I was in Jadaseys rooms and I found a twist up bottle of LIP GLOSS! lmfao. Examined it for awhile then decided: HEY! why not try the hip gangsta way of putting on lip gloss. I slabbed that sticky shit all over my lips, like how she does it: 5 POUNDS! I could NOT! move or talk correctly with the lips, omgahd torture. Why don't they just create lip glue, for people who talk too much, sheeesh! My lips were sooo heavy, I'll stick to chapstick, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I tried wiping all of it off, failed. I still have some on when I don't want it to be there. Ugh, oh welll.

wellll, I'm off. I'm experimenting with my portable Hard Drive, that I hate oooh so very much. Kbye(:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

thanks alot joyce..

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

1. i have really long hair, that I sometimes wanna get rid of..
2. I love washing shoelaces now =D
3. I haven't grown since the 6th grade, or well only 2 whole inch.
4. I'm afraid to wonder places, cause my mom knows everyone.
5. At times I wanna be left alone.
6. Mkaeup is a weird hobby to some people 0.o
7. Sometimes I get helllla paranoid about things.
8. I'm skinnier now, than in 6th grade, oh jeeeze.
9. I like my life, for once.
10. I leave everything running whenI leave the house.
11. I have a problem with spending my money..
12. I WANT WORLD PIECE(or as you would say it PEACE, I just felt like spelling it wrong x) justtt for joyce bwahaha)
13. My Tv is small as fuck, and i can only use my PS2 nd dvd player on it x)
14. I cut my own hair, yesssss.
15. I only use my phone at night =O
16. I want to be somebody.

too lazy to tag people, bwahaha.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

gettin'it together.

So basically I have a goal, one that I want and need to persue or wtvr that word is. And that goal is: teach my self how to be less selfish about the things I own and want x)

(Btw, I have to use my sidekick,forthemoment, because my internet goes wack and shuts down during the night for some gay reason that I cannot not explain.)

Anyways, I've been hella busy lately exploring my new hobby, makeup. I hate that shit on my face, but I love how you can blend and shit with brushes, simply art work on faces that whores nowadays over abuse to try and look hot and sexy, MY ASSS THEY DO! Well thanks to ms. Gretchen carvajal. She introduced to my new friend, urban decay. Yayyy! That shits genius, LOVE IT! One thing I'm afraid of happening to me is that one day I might wear it on a daily basis, which would pretty scary, to me. BUT! Thank God I swore to connor I would never wear it unless I simply HAD to, for like dance or a wedding etc. P. S. Avon has the best lotion makeup remover, thanks uncle jimmy(former avon seller guy/woman thingy xP who gives me free shit!)

Secondly, I'm trying to prioritize my life/lifestyle. By keeping my room in one piece. I was trying to clean my room but I deicided to blog. My thumbs are starting to hurt,ugh! Looks like hell up in here! Not for long tho! I promise. (:

I miss sofia like hell, where'd you go?!
Missing connor as well, don't let those white men get to you! Haha.
My legs hurt.
I hate mother nature at the moment.
Fuck cleaning -.-
Blogging on sidekicks isn't the way to go, use only for desperate needs...


Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is homo-.-

So right now I'm blogging from my sidekick, which is hella weird cause I don't know whaaat the hell my entry looks like with all the fonts nd sizes and what not. I couldn't blog last night because right now, my computer and internet is down. Gay ass AT&T!

So last night was cool, I got to see a lot of people. Missed all of them. Saw dj! I hella jumped him when I saw him and this is what he said " you got lighter!" oh thanks for the compliment dj. Ahahha.
Then got home feeling hela sick, phone with connor for like 2 or 3 hours. I missed his call later that day/morning, sorry lmfao. He had hella sugar, or that's what he said. "A pound of sugar" and sang for me. Aahahah! While he played videogames, aren't you cool for being a multitasker!

Today was the start of the most painfulweek of the month yippeee-.- sitting here watching barnyard with the family.

I'm not feeling the bloggingwiththesidekick thing so I'm gonna cut it here. Nd possibly come back when my computers all up and running again. Kbye!

I'm gonna miss connor while he's at camp, boo!

sshhaanneettee: Ew I just blogged on my sidekick
connortse: ew
sshhaanneettee: I know right

Friday, July 18, 2008



"Politeness of the mind is to have delicate thoughts."

Today wasn't all that great of a day. Disliked it and felt sick all day long. kbye.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Oh God, not him again.."

When a little kid gets surrounded by girls who like to take pictures of them selves(: I swear, everyday I'm gonna start the blog off with this kid.
Well, today was another day with, Mr. Connor Tse. Unplanned, shocking, and for him:life threatening. (loll, this sounds hella weird, but on we go..) Sooo, 8 am. Texting Connor, then around 10 or 11 no response for an hour or so I say. AND of course, I've fallen asleep, Joseph runs into my room, wakes me up and whispers "I THINK CONNOR WAS KNOCKING AT OUR DOOR?!" I get up finding that Connor was just about to leave. I found out he lost his phone, and needed to borrow mines. I let him into the house, theennn he tells me me he almost got ran over, he swerves and falls over to the side of the sidewalk near the curb, looses his phone, and then the jackass drove off-.- THANKFULLY, this smart ones alive, but then does the one thing I hate and bikes off to go buy me tap. ex, just because he borrowed my phone -__-;; hm, 30 minutes later.,he dares to go bike to Gamestop for a video game. OOYVAY. 1 hour later, his dad calls saying someone found his phone. At least you bothered to leave a voice message on your own phone Connor, lmfao. End of that part of the day(:
He was gay and deleted the picture from today, boo!

Today at practice, I WENT UP. Black Vahine on mines(:

Other then this my day was gay and boring. FIN

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

tapioca express >:]

The lives we give the younger ones nowadays. Tsk, tsk.
DEAR SONYA! we didn't go to cga): Jojo said it was too cold for him, bwahaha.

, today I woke up fairly early this morning. One goal, make sure Connor didn't spend 6 hours home alone doing nothing, complete(: Connor was homo, and didn't accept the pick up and decided to bike ride to my house. Called me telling me "I don't know where I'm at, but what's the drink you get at tapioca express?" Then arrives at my house on his dad's hella boss bike, that he's broke like 9476905 times, telling me he found my favorite drink on the floor, and it happened to be the same flavor and sized pearls I get from there, smoooth one.

NOTE FOR CONNOR:I don't it like when you buy me shit, kbye(:

DIMSUMMMMM! So we went to Mayflower in Fremont, and made fun of the staff. Yes, I know, we're hella nice. My favorite victim was the manager; asian guy with the loud deep ass voice w/fucking vampire jaws. My mom practically shoved food down Connor's throat, but I think he delt, lmfao.

EXPLORE THE ASIAN STORE! I practically died in there-.- There was this one helllallalaa stinky ass area of that store, omg. Smelt worse then an old lady on her period, and I don't even want to know what that smells like.

JOEFASHO, today he was the most annoyingest thing in the world. Gave me a headache, and I think he even caused my tummyache. But wtvr, I have to live with him, FOR NOW.

Ugh, Joseph is taking my body spray and spraying it all over the house! What the ehf! Gotta go get his little ass, bye!


I just thoughtt...

I'd inform you of the weird ass conversations I have at 12am(:

starting w/Miguel & THE GODDESS BUNNY!
*may I recommend you press all the links below =D
wiwikiwiki (11:37:28 PM): dddoooood
wiwikiwiki (11:37:30 PM):
wiwikiwiki (11:37:35 PM): THAT VIDEO IS HILARIOUS! BWAHA
sshhaanneettee (11:38:17 PM): saw this aready
wiwikiwiki (11:39:08 PM): what.. goddess bunny?
sshhaanneettee (11:39:10 PM): yes
wiwikiwiki (11:39:19 PM): did it freak you out.
wiwikiwiki (11:39:20 PM): ?
wiwikiwiki (11:39:21 PM): lol
sshhaanneettee (11:39:23 PM): naww
sshhaanneettee (11:39:26 PM): i was just like
sshhaanneettee (11:39:26 PM): hmm
sshhaanneettee (11:39:30 PM): fucking skinny twig
sshhaanneettee (11:39:31 PM): tap dancing
sshhaanneettee (11:39:33 PM): interesting
sshhaanneettee (11:39:34 PM): HAHAHA
wiwikiwiki (11:39:39 PM): HAHAHAHHAHAHA!
wiwikiwiki (11:39:40 PM): XD
wiwikiwiki (11:39:52 PM): he's a mentally challenged man
wiwikiwiki (11:39:53 PM): lol
wiwikiwiki (11:40:01 PM): its kinda messed up, actually
sshhaanneettee (11:40:10 PM): its a girl
sshhaanneettee (11:40:11 PM): retard
sshhaanneettee (11:40:12 PM): AHAHA
wiwikiwiki (11:40:24 PM): no it's not! it's a transvestite!!
wiwikiwiki (11:40:27 PM): i swear!
wiwikiwiki (11:40:27 PM): haha
sshhaanneettee (11:40:49 PM): LOL!
wiwikiwiki (11:40:55 PM):
wiwikiwiki (11:41:02 PM): HAHA that's a walk it out remix! HAHAH
wiwikiwiki (11:41:03 PM): XD
sshhaanneettee (11:42:51 PM): lawl
wiwikiwiki (11:42:52 PM): omfg. one of the goddess bunny comments says "id fuck her" AHAHAH
sshhaanneettee (11:43:03 PM): LOL!
wiwikiwiki (11:43:30 PM): im watching it for the first time.. is the ending creepy? everyone says it is..
wiwikiwiki (11:44:40 PM): haha my cousin is watching it with me, and he's like "THIS IS CREEPING ME OUT!"
wiwikiwiki (11:44:42 PM): ahhaha!
wiwikiwiki (11:45:14 PM): and my nephew was like "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING?! TURN IT OFF THAT PERSON SCARES ME!"
wiwikiwiki (11:45:17 PM): lmao
sshhaanneettee (11:45:19 PM): AHAHHAHAH!
wiwikiwiki (11:45:39 PM): im watching it again!
wiwikiwiki (11:45:40 PM): HAHA
wiwikiwiki (11:45:49 PM): it is a little creepy, but im not freaked out or anything
sshhaanneettee (11:46:05 PM): LOL
wiwikiwiki (11:46:31 PM): ew. s/he is so creepy.. NOT ATTRACTIVE!
sshhaanneettee (11:46:47 PM): HAHAHAHH!
wiwikiwiki (11:46:56 PM): its a turn off.
wiwikiwiki (11:46:56 PM): lol
sshhaanneettee (11:47:17 PM): indeed
wiwikiwiki (11:47:39 PM): when it got really close up at the end, my cousin was like "WHOA WHOA WHOA!"
wiwikiwiki (11:47:39 PM): lol
sshhaanneettee (11:47:50 PM): HAHAHAHHA!
wiwikiwiki (11:50:32 PM): OMG
wiwikiwiki (11:50:35 PM): THIS ONE IS AMAZING!
sshhaanneettee (11:51:10 PM): dude hes real?!
wiwikiwiki (11:51:18 PM): yes!
wiwikiwiki (11:51:47 PM): watch the part at :28 seconds
wiwikiwiki (11:51:49 PM): ITS HELLA FUNNY!!
sshhaanneettee (11:53:01 PM): lol
wiwikiwiki (11:53:15 PM): omg.. wtf is that stuff?
wiwikiwiki (11:54:40 PM): it looks like play-doh
sshhaanneettee (11:56:05 PM): lol
wiwikiwiki (11:57:08 PM): woot woot
sshhaanneettee (12:00:43 AM): s/he was raped?!
wiwikiwiki (12:00:54 AM): really?
wiwikiwiki (12:01:04 AM): it said that in a comment, right?
sshhaanneettee (12:01:04 AM): read it
sshhaanneettee (12:01:13 AM): the linmk up there
wiwikiwiki (12:01:15 AM): lol at "s/he" HHA
wiwikiwiki (12:02:34 AM): oh yea.. i went there
wiwikiwiki (12:02:41 AM): she has her own website!
sshhaanneettee (12:03:09 AM): WHAT THE!
wiwikiwiki (12:03:23 AM): ?
wiwikiwiki (12:04:02 AM): whatchu talkin bout, naynay?
sshhaanneettee (12:04:37 AM): -.-
wiwikiwiki (12:04:41 AM): jkjk (:
wiwikiwiki (12:04:45 AM): but seriously.
wiwikiwiki (12:04:49 AM): whatchu talkin bout?
sshhaanneettee (12:04:58 AM): as in what the heck s/he has a website!?
wiwikiwiki (12:05:07 AM): oh!
wiwikiwiki (12:05:16 AM): haha.. it turns out that its not really HER website. :-(
wiwikiwiki (12:05:29 AM): but there was an interview, and she sounds like a normal person! weird..
sshhaanneettee (12:06:05 AM): lol!
wiwikiwiki (12:06:39 AM): i got star paper at the mall! YAY. i feel like a true asian.
wiwikiwiki (12:06:52 AM): i wonder if the goddess bunny knows how to use star paper?
sshhaanneettee (12:07:11 AM): HAHAH!
sshhaanneettee (12:07:19 AM): you should ask h/im/er
sshhaanneettee (12:07:22 AM): LOL
wiwikiwiki (12:07:25 AM): aAHAHHA!
wiwikiwiki (12:07:37 AM): haha she has really thin thighs. its frightening
sshhaanneettee (12:07:52 AM): dayum im jealous.
wiwikiwiki (12:07:54 AM): i paused it when it was looking at my thighs, and my nephew was like "EEW THATS SCARY STOP IT!"
sshhaanneettee (12:07:59 AM): HAHAH!
wiwikiwiki (12:08:02 AM): jealous?
wiwikiwiki (12:08:04 AM): for realz?
wiwikiwiki (12:08:06 AM): AHHA
sshhaanneettee (12:08:07 AM): wtf!
sshhaanneettee (12:08:08 AM): im jk!
wiwikiwiki (12:08:17 AM): HAHAA
sshhaanneettee (12:08:36 AM): im putting this in my blog
wiwikiwiki (12:08:46 AM): yay!

followed by Connor & niggas?
sshhaanneettee (12:07:44 AM): sooo
connor tse (12:09:36 AM): nigga ass
sshhaanneettee (12:09:42 AM): nigga face
sshhaanneettee (12:09:44 AM): LOL
connor tse (12:10:04 AM): ahahaha nigga dick
sshhaanneettee (12:10:15 AM): nigga vajayjay
sshhaanneettee (12:10:16 AM): LOL
connor tse (12:10:22 AM): nigga titty
sshhaanneettee (12:10:27 AM): nigga pec?
sshhaanneettee (12:10:28 AM): HAHAHAH!
connor tse (12:11:07 AM): lmfao
connor tse (12:11:09 AM): nigga nipple xD
sshhaanneettee (12:12:12 AM): nigga earlob
sshhaanneettee (12:12:14 AM): LOL
sshhaanneettee (12:12:17 AM): earlobe*
connor tse (12:12:39 AM): nigga nostril
sshhaanneettee (12:13:15 AM): nigga omgcanwestopwiththeniggathis-ingnow?!
connor tse (12:13:24 AM): nigga fine
sshhaanneettee (12:13:28 AM): nigga yes!
sshhaanneettee (12:13:31 AM): the end
connor tse (12:13:39 AM): ook my nigga doe

Francesca, please spell click right(:
frannychezzka (12:22:21 AM): do i lick it?
sshhaanneettee (12:22:27 AM): yes you lick it
frannychezzka (12:23:23 AM): mmm tastes like chicken
sshhaanneettee (12:23:39 AM): lol
sshhaanneettee (12:24:31 AM): damn right tastes like chicken!

And now with Amanda & I's moms
THATgirrlAMANDA (12:23:32 AM): Yo,do you like balls or packages?
sshhaanneettee (12:23:50 AM): both are nice(:
THATgirrlAMANDA (12:23:57 AM): Haha

OOOK I'll be back later today(:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Radda Radda

This is the kid who introduced me to one of my favorite cartoon shows: Chowder on Cartoon Network, SCHEDULE

I NEED TO GET OUT! But, unfortunately I woke up HELLA late again-.- I swear I'm wasting my summer.I'm trying to figure out who has gay "california's" great america passes, so we can all go to 'c'ga together. Other then that there's not really any other places to go cause I'm hella broke after buying only TWO items in berkely, how lame. So now I get to stay inside for the REST of the day, until I have practice. WOOO! EXTREME FUN!

Last night, I discovered that while I was away from home for like hmm, 3 days? My older cousin came over and robbed my earrings, for her senior portraits? Who knows. Thanks Jada, you still owe me a trip into the city(:

Speaking of Jada, her little brother Phil comes to mind. HAHA, Phil thinks he can scrape Connor in basketball. Even tho Connor
claims he "sucks at basketball" mhmm! Sure Connor. I still have to get a game going for you two!

This morning at 12:24 A.M. Robert and I had like a two hour fight about NOT KNOWING!
sshhaanneettee: lets switch it around

i want what you want, but i dont want you to want what i want xP
sshhaanneettee: cause if you want to want what i want, youll be wanting to want what you want
sshhaanneettee: HAHAHAHHAHA
sshhaanneettee: i ssoooooo get myself(:
connor t s e: fuck this
connor t s e: lmfao
sshhaanneettee: LOL!
sshhaanneettee: ok ill make it simple
sshhaanneettee: what do you want
sshhaanneettee: (:

It was similar to this one but FARR worse,poor Robert's brain,messed up by my trickaynesss!

Ok, well I'm burnt out for today. Late(:


Monday, July 14, 2008


was crackin'
Woke up hella late today, when my mom called me at like what?11? asking me for the earliest time of this damn movie, but after
we hung up I went back to bed. Woke back up at 11:40, telling my mom the earliest time was 11:30. WOW I'm a big help. So we ended up going at the 2 o'clock showing xD But on the brightside, the glasses were pretty darn boss tho, RealD wwoo! Jadasey wanted to wear them as sunglasses (without reading the wrapper). The wrapper saysss... "NOT SAFE FOR USE AS SUNGLASSES" whatta retard. Anywhooo, I dug the 3-D stuff tho, when the next one comes out, someone should be right around the corner waiting to ask me to go

PT2;Everrrything was all weird and ruined after I spent some time at home, back from the movies with the family. The internet today contains hellllaa information, especially for someone like me who does that gay shit, and gets nosey. I read some gay crap, sorta got me mad. But whatever not gonna let it get to me. It just put a damper on my day. AIM, MYSPACE, BLOGSPOT, FACEBOOK, ETC.. yeh, yeh, yeh, there's ways of figuring things out, like: who? what? when? where? and why? We all have our moments of glory when we find exactly what we're looking for, but for me; I was sort of expecting what I read, sorta gay tho. Should of saw it coming.


these people are what you would call, troupers.
BTW, I want you to meet my two favorite pets:TJ & joseph(;

PS* don't question me about whatever I wrote. please &thank you(: