Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How gay):

So all last night, and this morning, both of my siblings left me-.- spent the night over at my cousins while i had practice messed up. While my mommmy went to musik,musick,music, or wtvr school to help choose the new principal for the Newark Jr. High School at 7 am. So basically I'm hella lonely with nothing to do right now=/ And yeh I'm sleepy so when i wake up I sign onto aim, and connor, being the hoe he is, tells me to get on the computer while I'm layying in bed all comfy and shizzz. I sign on, on my computer and he sends me a link to a 1 minute video-.- Couldn't wait til I was actually up huh?

OK!I couldn't blog last night, had practice that went til 9, meaning my internet was off already.Well, yesterday I started my day of with connor, yayy! At like 8:45 am I think. So early, my gollly. Hella mean to me yesterday, you hoe! =D And that is why I slap your face all the time, you see? haha just keeding. Had a long day with him, he put on my clothes and kept trying on my shoes "IT'S LIKE A SHOE STORE IN HERE!", he played video games capshh, we walked to the park, and we WERE supposed to go shoot some baskets. BUT we couldn't, mofakin' gangstas nowadays chillin' behind the wall over there by the baskets, so we just ended up walking back to my house. This was the fun part(: When we got home we spent like over an hour taking pictures bwahahha. kept changing and shit. YOU WORE ALL MY FAVORITE JACKETS! surprisingly they looked ok on you tho connor HAHA, my adidas one the best thooo. Sadly my day ended with him, around 4ish?

Later, had practice and what not. ended my day with a surprising secret about my life story. THE END


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