Tuesday, August 26, 2008


hey guys(: ive been VERRRYY busy. and blogger is starting to fade out in my life, schools starting soon! how sad,everyone is already in school. i just thought id stop by i say hello&goodbye=D


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It's a new day.Open my eyes, til' my path is clearer.
AHHH! I have no more time for myspace, and bloggerrr. although i sit here in front of the computer, but oh welll. that means I have better things to do, then to just sit here like some people do clicking the refresh button repeatedly-.-

Welll, anyways. The Olympics is pretty darn booosssss. ALTHOUGH CHINAS CHEATING! they good tho, gotta give them that. basically this summer ive just been hanging with friends and what not finna go camping sunday i think 0.o hahah well im out OLYMPICS ONNN! GOOO PHELPSSS=D

seeeee, i have no more time for you mr. blogspot =/

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Dear Miguel, I'm very sorry that I have not been blogging, SINCE! of course you did subscribe to my page xP-Shanette

Today's blogging is dedicated to him since he actually reads it every day, and waits for me to finish blogging, MY BADDD. Sadly it's been 5 days. THE REASON: I actually have a life now, and completing my goal in which I'm spending hella time with family nowadays. I'll start with:

Connor came over again, 8:40 something AM again. yeah yeah yeah, I like to start my days off early. Hung out awhile, went over to wingstop for lunch. yummy yummy in my tummy, a party in my mouth kind of sensation, naahh'm sayin. I GOT TO PAINT HIS PINKY NAIL HOT PINK BIETCHES. =D That made my day right theree. Sadly this nagga had to leave earlier then usual for SanFran.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMMA! During the day went to great america, AND STILL DIDNT GET DARKER! gayshit when your chinese, I swear. I wanna get darker before school starts, just a taddd bit darker. Well , later that day I went to gemma's to celebrate her 14th birthdaty YAYYYY! i spent the night, webcamed with people, slept HELLLA late. so late i dont remember haha.

went out with someone, no need for names. good day=D

Went to the park with gemma, dog and siblings. it was hella hot, nothing really to do over there. On the walk back home i noticed that we were missing a few things, like jojos prescription glasses, his hat, a scooter and a basketball-.- thnks to me and my brains! pft, my mom would've been furious.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Deng, so, right now i have a bigass scratch mark from my dog. It sorta hurts, oweee): Well anyways an update on my life: 1. my internet's up again! 2. i webcam hella now-.- 3. i feel like im loosing hellof my close ass friends, darn. 4. in the process of learning how to save up my money=/ 5. I'm starting to spend more quality time with family. OK, I'm not gonna number anymore. BUT! yeh, I finally hung outwith GEMMA! who I finally saw yesterday for the first time this summer =D YAYYY.

I spent a day alone with my mommy(: Just me and her, her and me, & her and I. Drove out to Sanfran, spent the day at the presidioooooo at the Aloha Festival'08. I slept like half the time, the experience is HELLLLLAAA different then from when you're going to perform and just being viewer. I soo miss dancing in front of big crowds): sadly, yess i do. very much so! After spending a few hours over there, we drove like an hour and a half back over to the tri-citaayyy, for the arts &wine festival, GAHDAMN! there were hella wasted people up in there. SAW DJ AND KENDRICK TODAAYYY!! i miss them both.

yeah yeah here's this lame video =D


Thursday, July 31, 2008


I guess my whole "blog everyday" routine has gone out the door. oh well, I'm starting to like me NEW routine. Makes more sense to have you guys read stuff worth your time. Other then boring you guys half to death, even though this might, capshh! Well anyways, for all that don't know, my cousin phil up there, got a new dog as well. A MOFAKIN' TEACUP CHIHUAHUA! paid friggen $350 for it, hella pshyco if you ask me. He slept over, and we watch the movie, The Number 23. It was ight, NOT AS GOOD AS YOU SAID IT WAS CONNOR, pshhhh. ANYWAYS, back to Elmo, OMG AT THIS MOMENT I AM TYPING THIS EWWW CUTE ASS DOG JUST POOPED AND PEED ALL OVER MY MOTHERFUCKING BED AND FLOOR! I HAVE TO CLEAN ALLLA THIS,GREAT-.-

well we made a video after connor left.. x)

btw connor stopped by for a visit, how nice (:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How gay):

So all last night, and this morning, both of my siblings left me-.- spent the night over at my cousins while i had practice messed up. While my mommmy went to musik,musick,music, or wtvr school to help choose the new principal for the Newark Jr. High School at 7 am. So basically I'm hella lonely with nothing to do right now=/ And yeh I'm sleepy so when i wake up I sign onto aim, and connor, being the hoe he is, tells me to get on the computer while I'm layying in bed all comfy and shizzz. I sign on, on my computer and he sends me a link to a 1 minute video-.- Couldn't wait til I was actually up huh?

OK!I couldn't blog last night, had practice that went til 9, meaning my internet was off already.Well, yesterday I started my day of with connor, yayy! At like 8:45 am I think. So early, my gollly. Hella mean to me yesterday, you hoe! =D And that is why I slap your face all the time, you see? haha just keeding. Had a long day with him, he put on my clothes and kept trying on my shoes "IT'S LIKE A SHOE STORE IN HERE!", he played video games capshh, we walked to the park, and we WERE supposed to go shoot some baskets. BUT we couldn't, mofakin' gangstas nowadays chillin' behind the wall over there by the baskets, so we just ended up walking back to my house. This was the fun part(: When we got home we spent like over an hour taking pictures bwahahha. kept changing and shit. YOU WORE ALL MY FAVORITE JACKETS! surprisingly they looked ok on you tho connor HAHA, my adidas one the best thooo. Sadly my day ended with him, around 4ish?

Later, had practice and what not. ended my day with a surprising secret about my life story. THE END


Monday, July 28, 2008

Life's getting good=D

Well today was a very good day. Maybe one of the best days I've had so far of the summer. Since I do count this as the beginning of MY summer. Pretty wack huh? Well anyways, Francesca, Dj, and Michael came over. We had a mini baking party, that Connor and Melvin could not attend, BOO. It was still fun tho, I should have these more often, since my mommy said she prefers I do have people come over then go out and spend precious mooolah(: Poor Dj got the crap beat out of him by my little brother, but I think he survived. Took hella pictures in a tiny ass session HAHA. Fucking camera whores-.- lmfao. Now I need a day to kikc it with all my main girlies, I miss them like fuck! and also a day for all my guys.
Anyways back to the baking party, me and Dj were actually the only ones who baked-.- besides Francesca placing the cupcakey cup holder thangy mabobers in the cupcake thing. We also made cone cakes =D If you don't know what those are then too bad! sucka. Spent some time in my room and made a video WOOOO!

YESSIR, It's hella loud tho-.- PLUS: Dj chose the song =D HAHAHA scrolling through al the songs and out of all the ones that are there, HANNAH MONTANA! FUCK YES!

ANYWHOO! Ya'll left my room a total mess, but Francesca helped me clean it up(: OH! speaking of Francesca LOL! those things on winterrowd.com oh my shit. got to that website nd that explains it all hahaha. I think I'm gonna nap good tonight, I'm hella tired. too much laughing for one day, Dj hella made me fall off my chair sheesh-.-

alright I'm out, kbye!(: